One Down, Two to Go
Well, Contracts is finished. For a class that featured the oddest array of exam characters I have ever had the privilege *ahem* of encountering, $5000 surge protectors, and $9000+ refrigerators (that didn't have an internet connection or an integrated TV), I certainly felt there was a lot of material to cover!Post-mortem analysis: Yes, the compelling question, "How do you think you did?" Interestingly enough, I felt no trepidation about the actual exam- just numbness. This is not to say that I felt prepared to the utmost for it. I'm sure other people spotted more issues than I did, or applied a more exacting analysis of the issues at hand, but I can sleep at night knowing I gave everything I had. Strangely enough though it seems like losing a friend. An unrelentingly demanding, anal-retentive, calculating, and simultaneously vague friend. Somehow, I feel as if the evil I know is being purged for the evils to come that I don't know (as well yet).
I suppose if anything things should get a little easier since criminal law is open book and our torts professor gave us a list of questions that he will draw upon for his exam. It's definitely an improvement from an organizational perspective.
Well, back to studying for criminal law. Contracts, I bid you and your memorable cases adieu. See you, Lady Duff Gordon. Keep healthy, Mr. Dove, and better luck next time. After Clark v. West, I am starting to understand why law school books are written the way they are. And if I were to give one last piece of (non-legal) advice after K, don't rent a ship from Kemp. Time to fish or cut bait.